Candy and Fresh Snow

My name is Clint and I'm Abby's husband and Clay's, Lydia's, and Henry's dad. Abby has a beautiful insightful blog titled Oh So Well that tracks our family's journey. Along the way, Abby loads up her readers for a ride where we discover her witty language and timely topics. You may want to start with "Confessions of a Candyholic," "Dear Clay," "Determination," and "Open Letter to the Past Year." You will not be disappointed! I can only hope that this blog simply approaches the worthwhileness of hers. Here's her blog:

Language and Memory

Is language adequate to accurately articulate to another the pulsing knowledge learned from your heart? Why does memory abandon you or trick you into altering the past? Don't you sometimes, to necessitate communication, replace language with music, laughter, or crying out?

These questions were inspired by my reading of Leif Enger's fictional novel Peace Like a River, particularly the chapters titled, "Be Jubilant, My Feet" and "The Curious Music that I Hear." The narrator, Reuben Land, vividly paints his fascinating short visit to heaven with his dad. Despite the amazing description and recollection, Reuben falls short and laments, "What mortal creations are language and memory!"

Monday, January 18, 2010

Scanner Lightly

Here we go. Someday I'll get this blogging youtube stuff down. Thanks for the pictures mom!


  1. Wow Clint! That was awesome. Your scanner does a fantastic job. I am excited for you to do all of my pictures for me! Do you have a couple of years to do that?? :D They all turned out so well - pictures and negatives. I can't wait to use my digital frame too. So exciting!! Thanks for doing this. Love you.

  2. Looks way good! How fun is that! I can't wait to see Mom's pictures too! Also, I don't know if your movie making software does it or not, but you can hook up a VCR with a USB cable to your computer and press record on the software and it will record the video off the tape. THEN you can edit out long boring parts, or whatever and burn to DVD.

    Ah, technology! :)
