Candy and Fresh Snow

My name is Clint and I'm Abby's husband and Clay's, Lydia's, and Henry's dad. Abby has a beautiful insightful blog titled Oh So Well that tracks our family's journey. Along the way, Abby loads up her readers for a ride where we discover her witty language and timely topics. You may want to start with "Confessions of a Candyholic," "Dear Clay," "Determination," and "Open Letter to the Past Year." You will not be disappointed! I can only hope that this blog simply approaches the worthwhileness of hers. Here's her blog:

Language and Memory

Is language adequate to accurately articulate to another the pulsing knowledge learned from your heart? Why does memory abandon you or trick you into altering the past? Don't you sometimes, to necessitate communication, replace language with music, laughter, or crying out?

These questions were inspired by my reading of Leif Enger's fictional novel Peace Like a River, particularly the chapters titled, "Be Jubilant, My Feet" and "The Curious Music that I Hear." The narrator, Reuben Land, vividly paints his fascinating short visit to heaven with his dad. Despite the amazing description and recollection, Reuben falls short and laments, "What mortal creations are language and memory!"

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lone Wolf

Why "lonewolfcry"?  Now that I'm posting it, I'm embarrassed to say that it is a self-imposed nickname I came up with at work.  What sort of person gives himself a nickname?  Why not l-o-a-n wolf instead?  I do work for a company that makes loans.  Since when was a wolf alone?  Don't they travel in packs?  This proves that the very name "lone wolf" is ambiguous and conflicted, so it's probably, maybe, perhaps fairly safe to say that I'm ambiguous and conflicted; after all, I did give myself the nickname without thinking it through.  Are you sure you want to read my blog?!  How do you think my family feels? : )  I just threw in the "cry" part because it had a better ring than "yowl," "howl," or "yip."


  1. I think your choice of "lone wolf" is very interesting. Even though wolves do travel in packs, sometimes one will feel the need to break off and do his own thing. I say "his" because a lone wolf is usually, but not always, male. A lone wolf may feel the need to find another pack where he is strong enough to become the Alpha leader if he feels like that won't happen in the pack he is in. Sometimes the lone wolf just needs to leave the pack for a while and then will meet up with them again. There are so many interesting variables in the story of the lone wolf.

    There are different definitions found for the phrase "lone wolf" as it applies to man. The one I like best for you is simply this - an individualist, a person who pursues independent thought or action.

    That's my boy :o)

  2. Haha! Well, I can't speak for the rest of the family, but I feel very proud of you!

    It is fun to read your interpretation of your title. When I first saw the name of your blog, without even seeing it's content, I thought, "Oh, that is perfect!". I guess because I know you and because I know the passion you live by. When you stand for something, you stand firm and with passion. Alone or with many. Like a wolf would be I guess. You don't follow a pack, you follow your heart and sometimes that leaves you to stand alone, but you are not silenced in your solitude. If anything it makes you stronger and more driven to follow your convictions. I love that about you! However, also like a wolf, you are always learning from others, and allow them to help in times of need. To work together. Also a great quality!

    I can't wait for more!
